Band Information

Music Releases

Photo Gallery

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Press & Reviews

Contact Shard

©®2005 SHARD

EMAIL: click here

AIM: slaveindvstries

FORUMS: Shard @ SI Forums

Please direct all feedback, booking/remix/other questions, and support to the above contacts. We band members use these resources ourselves and read all messages & mail. In addition to threads about each Slave Indvstries band, the S.I. forums also include threads about activism, design, and other issues.

Spammers should be tried for marketing crimes against humanity and sentenced to sell feces on a streetcorner for one year while wearing a sign that reads, "I am a [product] spammer." Telemarketers should likewise be repurposed to act as activists outside prominent chain stores, their new goal being to dissuade as many would-be consumers as possible.